Business Insights

Measure your customer’s wait time and your store’s hot spots!
Part of the Business Insights module in CMS.
Provides Metrics on Wait Time at the registers or drive-thru as well as in-store Hot Zones and Heat Map.
Hot Zones and Heat Map make it possible to understand the customer’s in-store behavior.

Accurately calculate your store’s conversion rate
Part of the Business Insights module in CMS.
Provides metrics on Door Count, Conversion Rate and Unrealized Potential.
Cost-effective way of getting business insights while leveraging the installed video surveillance system.

SMART-ER (Smart Exception reports)
Easily detects multiple forms of fraud
Smart-ER module provides in real-time information about potential suspicious activities taking place.
Alerts are displayed in a simple dashboard and displayed by priority level.
Exceptions can be drilled down to the employee or the transaction level with video evidence and text overlay.
Highly customizable with criteria that are unique to each business and vertical.

Simple incident & accident reporting in an all-in-one management system
This independent CMS module provides the ability to document incidents with notes, video evidence and legal documents.
Archiving a report from start to finish takes only a few clicks.
This module is ideal to mitigate liability.

Remotely keep track of the health of all your i3 systems
This function of CMS offers the ability to remotely monitor the health of video systems.
Multiple locations can be monitored on-the-spot or an email can be scheduled, informing the user of critical issues.
Maps with customizable camera layouts are available.

Real-time alerts for real-time situations
Alerts are generated in real-time and accessible through CMS, VPC.
Gentle on the bandwidth as alerts are only triggered and transmittedwhen pre-determined criteria are met.
Alerts can be received directly on viewing software or via email.
Ideal for large Enterprise systems monitoring several locations at once.